Easy installation

Our wallpapers are designed for no-mess, DIY, and easy installation. We also provide you with detailed instructions on alignment and positioning of the wallpaper panels when you buy your wallpaper from us. You can achieve a super-neat installation without any waste of effort or material. You can install the wallpaper easily and create an attractive and customized wall in minutes.

Step 1 - Spackle and sandpaper the wall to smooth any imperfections, then apply a coat of wallpaper primer.

Step 2 - If you're papering a whole wall, cut vertical strips 4 inches longer than the wall height; once the paper is up, you'll trim the excess. Arrange wallpaper strips side by side on the floor to ensure that the pattern lines up correctly, gently taping them together with painter's tape to temporarily secure them.

Step 3 - Use a tape measure and a pencil to mark where on the wall the paper will be placed. For example, mark the top edge of a chair rail or sides of a rectangle.

Step 4 - Pour premixed clear wallpaper glue into a paint roller tray. Use a small paint roller to apply it quickly and evenly to the back of the paper.

Step 5 - Now apply the paper one strip at a time, smoothing each onto the wall from the center outward using an 8-inch plastic smoother.

Step 6 - Once a piece is up, you have about 10 to 15 minutes to perfect its placement. Carefully push any bubbles out toward the borders.